TC system solutions & oc blending

TC systems help to solve even individual tasks. Measuring and, if necessary, controlling temperature, level and flow – we do it for you!

oc-Blending is used for the automatic refill of production containers with liquid components according to predefined ratios, thus ensuring continuous quality and optimum consumption.

TC level controls & sensors

Level control, e.g. with ultrasonic and vibration sensors, automatic re-dosing, e.g. via valves or pumps, optionally with direct display at the sensor.

Tc fuellstandsregelungen

TC Temperature Control

TC control for heating and cooling functions e.g. with tank sets, inline heat exchangers & heated hoses.

Heating / cooling capacities from 0.5 to over 20 kW

Tc temperaturregelung 1
Tc temperaturregelung 2

TC Liquid Control

TC Liquid Controls offer e.g. pH & flow measurements for tanks & lines, optional pressure & temperature measurements can be integrated.

Tc liquid control

oc-Blend ink blending & supply systems

Dosing & supply systems for inks, lacquers and solvent mixtures e.g. in the printing and foundry industry for online & offline use.

Oc blend

Have Your quality & consumption in mind – with TC systems & oc blending. Request now!

Tel.: +49 5064 8077 | E-Mail:

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